Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sarah Palin: what's a feminist?

still can't get enough of Sarah Palin, the worst Veep pick by a Republican since George Bush Snr went through the phone book and stopped at Q for Quayle.

Well, she's not going away and has given another car crash of an interview, this time to Fox.

The best quote is: "sometimes, y'know, I consider myself too a feminist - whatever that means!"

Poor John McCain, who'll be staying away from Alaska I'll wager. He has said that Palin did not harm his campaign. She did, y'know, she, like, so did (as Palin might put it).

I can understand why he wants to be gallant but he is clearly struggling to face up to the scale of the miscalculation he made in putting her on the ticket.

Palin is not an agent of future conservative recovery; she is a vote loser because she mobilises part of the base while turning off those in the middle ground and independents. If you desire Republican revival, do not look in Sarah Palin's direction.

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